Homœopathic Treatment of Children with Autism
with Jamie Oskin, ND, DHANP
EXCLUSIVE Training From National Author &
One Of the World’s Top Homœopathy Educators, Dr. Jamie Oskin!
RECORDED 2-Hour Online Presentation + FREE 1-Hour Bonus Session
OBNM APPROVED: 3 hours of General Naturopathic CE
This course is designed for homœopathic practitioners and will be an introduction to the homœopathic treatment and management of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. A series of case examples will be presented utilizing primary text sources including the TBR2 (The Bœnninghausen Repertory, Second Edition) and Hahnemann’s materia medicæ. The objective is for attendees to be exposed to case examples including characteristic symptoms in each case as well as selecting the most indicated homœopathic medicine in each case from the materia medicæ. In addition, the case examples will serve as teaching guides for the management of these complex cases including when to change the posology and/or when to change the homœopathic prescription. Helping children with speech delays will be a special focus of each case presented with individualized homœopathic medicine prescriptions. At the end of the presentation, participants will be better equipped to treat ASD cases in clinical practice.
In the FREE 1-Hour Bonus Session, Dr. Oskin will take a deep dive into helping you understand and accurately select rubrics for symptoms of sensory sensitivities in children on the Autism Spectrum or with Sensory Processing Disorder.
- At the conclusion of the presentation, you will be able to:
- Identify characteristic symptoms in ASD cases.
- Be familiar with commonly indicated homœopathic remedies in ASD cases.
- Understand how to analyze an ASD case consistently and methodically with the Bœnninghausen (TBR2) reportorial method.
Dr. Oskin’s passion for developmental pediatrics began as a resident. He can still vividly remember helping a 22-month-old boy with recurrent ear infections and speech delay.
The toddler’s parents brought him to Dr. Oskin to search out alternative options because they were at the end of their rope with conventional treatment options. In this boy’s short life, he had already been on 15 rounds of antibiotics for ear infections and had surgery for ear tubes. Despite the antibiotics halting each individual ear infection, he was constantly sick and the antibiotics weren’t making him healthy. He kept having one ear infection after the next. Dr. Oskin began treating him with homœopathy and he immediately started to improve. He had one more ear infection 6 months after starting the treatment and never had another ear infection again. In addition, he went from speech delayed to advanced in preschool. That little toddler is now a healthy young teenager.
Helping children like this boy and seeing the immense power of natural medicine to stimulate the body’s innate capacity to heal inspired Dr. Oskin’s passion for pediatrics. “Helping kids get healthy and watching them thrive is such fun, and makes a huge positive impact on the entire family. Kids who flourish grow up to live to their fullest potential, which is a boon for the world, and hugely satisfying personally,” says Dr. Oskin. Over time, as Dr. Oskin was able to help more kids he decided to focus his efforts on helping these children as he saw the results he was getting with children with ASD’s including helping speech delays, developmental and learning delays, sensory problems, seizures, tics, behavioral tantrums and problematic moods. Because homœopathy is a wholistic therapy, when he started to help these children with their ASD symptoms, they also responded to have less recurrent ear infections, allergies, skin rashes, digestive symptoms, as well as other health concerns. Dr. Oskin realized the desperate need for safe and effective treatments for this population and over time he was referred greater numbers of children on the spectrum, especially those with speech and developmental delays.
Over the years, Dr. Oskin has become an international speaker and expert on the natural treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and his work has been published widely. He is active in educating new generations of doctors as a guest lecturer and former faculty member at Sonoran University (formerly Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Tempe, Arizona, where he attended medical school and completed his residency training. He holds the esteemed Diplomate (advanced specialty) status (DHANP) from the Homœopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP) and volunteers as the current president of the board.
Testimonials FOR THIS COURSE:
“This course provides clear insight into a clinical condition that is often resistant to even the best treatments. Dr. Oskin shows that through using sound homœopathic principles and Hahnemann’s reliable materia medica that homœopathic treatment can significantly increase the quality of life for patients, families and caregivers.” – Michael Knapp, ND, DHANP
“As a fellow homœopathic doctor, I was really impressed with Dr. Oskin’s talk. It allowed me to learn a new way to hone in on my case taking skills using the TBR2 method, so much so it inspired me to take a look at a speech delay case with new eyes. This case happens to be my daughter’s. Within 1 week of being on the remedy she started saying new words and within a couple weeks she was almost completely caught up in speech for her age. I highly recommend the course not only to be newly inspired about homœopathy, and the miracles it can perform, but to learn new approaches on evaluating a case. ” – Celaine Moreno, ND

“If you are interested in using Homœopathy to support children on the Autism spectrum, look no further than Dr. Jamie Oskin’s Autism course. The course is a treasure trove of wisdom and clinical pearls delivered in a scholarly yet down-to-earth style. Grounded in a deep understanding of Hahnemann’s system of therapeutics, Dr. Oskin simplifies the complex task of working with children on the Autism Spectrum. Case examples and patient testimonials are sprinkled throughout, leaving you not only more knowledgeable, but inspired. In fact, even homœopaths with no interest in Autism Spectrum Disorders will leave this course better practitioners of Hahnemann’s art. I recommend this course to anyone interested in either Homœopathy or Autism. Dr. Oskin is a gem!” – Eric Udell, ND, MEd
Testimonial interview with a passionate Mom who has two children on the Autism Spectrum. Her children’s cases will be presented during this course!
DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this course is intended for use by licensed medical professionals. Nothing contained in this presentation should be considered treatment advice or guidance to be used at home without the supervision of a properly trained professional. By continuing to participate in this course, you acknowledge that this information is for educational purposes and does not constitute treatment recommendations.