Consult Dr. Oskin

Dr. Oskin offers high quality continuing education and consulting services for other homœopathic practitioners. His time is in high demand and there are limited spaces to work with him.


  • One-on-one Support: ($25/15 minutes) Consult Dr. Oskin on one of your cases or with an issue you are struggling with in practice.

To consult Dr. Oskin on a case, please submit cases in paragraph format summarizing the essential history and components of the case. All cases must remove all confidential patient identifiers prior to submission.

Include a picture of the repertorization of your case analysis (preferably with TBR2).

Include your case analysis with remedy(ies) you are considering with references to corresponding symptoms symptoms in the materia medicæ sources (Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura, Chronic Diseases, Allen’s Encyclopædia of Pure Materia Medica, or Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica).

Include a timeline with which you need a response. Expect 1-2 weeks minimum response time.

Fill out this form and include your contact information for Dr. Oskin to respond to your request.

  • Membership to ($60/month) Become a member of to have access to ongoing forums to ask questions directly to Dr. Oskin and receive e-support through the web. Space is limited: only 10 mentees per month accepted at any given time. Your membership allows you reasonable access to Dr. Oskin at his discretion. Click here to request membership to
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